ultrasonic rf vacuum cavitation velashape machine for weight loss

Product Description

ultrasonic rf vacuum cavitation velashape machine for weight loss

  • vacuum rf roller massage
  • ultrasonic cavitation liposuction
  • ultrasonic face/boly lift
  • multipolar tripolar radio frequency
  • bio facial lift/bio wrinkle removal

Techincal parameters:

40Khz Cavitation Frequency


Ultrasonic Frequency


Multi-polar RF Frequency


Vacuum bipolar rf Frequency


RF Intensity Range






Working Temperature




Machine size




Principle of the Cavitation Liposuction
Cavitation Liposuction combines the latest techniques and effective for the treatment
of the main factors responsible for cellulite and localized fat.
Which Body Region: Full Body
Range: Remodeling
Technology: Ultrasonic,
Multi-polar RF
BIO for face and around the around the eyes

Eyes: removing black eye rim, pouch and wrinkle of eyes;
Face: promoting,whitening and making skin tender,wiping off scar;
Body: losing weight effectively,removing striae gravidarum and tightening flesh.
How it works:
Cavitation Liposuction uses Ultrasound and Cavitation,Multipolar RF Therapy to

achieve cellulite reduction and improved body contour.

This process of release is a natural response of the body when the body needs to used
stored energy reserves, thus Cavitation is not creating any unnatural reaction in the body
nor does it affect or damage any surrounding structures such as skin, blood vessels and peripheral nerves.
A period of exercise post treatment will ensurethe complete metabolism and thus

elimination from the body of the freed fatty acids.

Ultrasound waves produce a mechanical vibration of the tissue which breaks down the

cellulite, increases circulation and has anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects.

Cavitation, direct into the fatty layer, speedily vibrate deep-seated cellulite, produce

numberless vacuum cavitation, mightily strike the fatty cells, let them produce inner

cracking, and dissolve to be the free fatty acid

Vacuum rf roller massage therapy causes significant mobilisation of localised build-ups

as well as having a draining effects.

Multipolar RF uses proprietary technology to create a highly efficient and tightly woven

energy matrix.
This dense energy matrix penetrates multiple layers of the dermis heating it from the inside

Complete skin penetration ensures exponentially improved clinical efficacy and products

clearly visible results.

BIO Through repeat wavelength, make use of FARADHIC(20HZ) wave with radio light

at the same time,restore eyes skin, lighten eyes black, tighten under-eye puffiness,

improve the eyes activity.

Detail of the accessory

RF Vacuum roller

Roller fat kneading system uses unique newly auto rollerwheel technology and Vacuum,

which can touch, rub and massage various parts of the full body more comfortably and

gently,and combining unique bipolar RF smelting fat, tightening lymphatic drainage and

other functions,

it can reach deep cell-tissues in the body, thus to get the results of full range of treatments

and reducing fat.

Multi-polar RF

40K ultrasonic cavitation system:

Ultrasonic for cosmetic leading-in

BIO for face and around the around the eyes

More pictures

company information

We can offer you the factory price,please contact me:

Wechat: 13929528127

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